n my idea is to create an Africa plains with all the African animal silhouettes......
so i need African animals!!!
den start go google image search.... study all those african animal anatomies....

den TY starts drawing the silhouettes.....
Gigi the Giraffe !

most of the ppl feel that the patches make it looks like kena makan by tikus...
Leon the Lion !

the king of the jungle with a bear face....

Elly the Elephant !

Monty the Monkey !
Zebo the Zebra !
i took quite some time to draw the zebra.... cuz need to add the details on the body....

Monty the Monkey !

Hippy the Hippo !

Orkut the Ostrich !

this took me the longest time..... for all the details on its body....... TY oso loves it the most !

this is super easy n fast to draw....
n y i named it Orkut? duno ?
maybe now very 'heng' all those Faceboook... Friendster... Hi5.....
den i named it after Orkut lo...
n Tiggi the Tiger !!!!

this took me the longest time..... for all the details on its body....... TY oso loves it the most !
last but not least...... Adam n Eve...
walau... it's super very hard to draw human silhouettes....

cuz TY is not good at drawing real human anatomies....
she only draws human cartoons... kekekekekekkekekek....
n this is the best dat i can draw...
once again thanks to my Bamboo tablet for making all these happen....
wow.... almost 1 year old alredi !!
ok !!! put all the animals in place.....
the registration form....

it doesn'y looks like an Africa plains huh ... looks more like a tropical forest.....

it doesn'y looks like an Africa plains huh ... looks more like a tropical forest.....

n the desktop wallpaper i created for the Dcamp09 ExCos...

Reminds me of the characters in Madagascar ^^
wah, the cartoons are damn cute leh!!!
love them so so much~~
great job indeed^^
all the best for ur camp den~~
carez ya!!!
teng kiut!
praise the Lord la...
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