Saturday, July 28, 2007

是我自私,还是她过份? Part 2

28/7(Sat) - 我美好的星期六早上,就被她们两个吵翻天了......

我醒来,她还问我....今天不出去吗.... 我说没有...她们一定很失望吧....

2pm - 和朋友到dining hall去吃午餐,突然收到她的sms....叫我打包一些东西回去给她...

3pm something - 原来是她朋友要的食物,我给了她,她问我多少钱,我告诉了她........



3.30pm - 还是没反应....... 直接和她朋友说还没付我钱了.... 然后她付了.....

如果是熟人没付钱,我还没关系...... 但她!!! 到底是什么意思啊????


我阿姐,为我编了一首歌,曲是采自Santa Claus Is Coming To Town....

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout, i'm telling you why
XXX is at-- your room


CooKies™ said...

wow wow wow, long time din update le, suddenly come then see so much stories, nice leh.. ^^ part 2 somemore haha...
well, i don't really have much comments on these. But i do feel surprised of your patience. ^^
hm...actually from all those stories, i do see that problems arise mainly due to communication. You should really sit down and have a serious talk with her. Anyway, i believe that would not be an easy thing for you, i don't know, but 用爱心说诚实话,that's the communication skill we need to learn. ^^
2ndly, if you really can't take it, maybe just do things accordingly lo. 做人最重要就是问心无愧, :P hehe, for instance, say No if you really can't / dont' really want to fetch her, buy things for her etc etc....and, when u really wan to sleep, just told them "i wan sleep le, sorry.." then turn off the light..then go sleep. ^^, rite? :P hehe...coz sometimes 过度的宽容等于纵容。。。so, what for? 人,有时自私点就是对自己宽容,不要太过折磨自己。 ^^
so, murid, jyjy...okay, all the best!
(****oh...continue my assingments... =.=lll continue torturing myself...)

Tze Yin said...

walau eh... 'i do surprise of ur patience'... hami yi su leh... hahahahhahahahhaa......

wa.... ur short comments really got a lot of 经典名句leh.... sifu tio si sifu....

i like dis 1 d most.. '有时自私点就是对自己宽容' ... wahahahahahahahhahaha...

Si Fu 10q so much !!!
Murid will jy jy..... kekekekekekekkke.......
