Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus

Date: 22/1/08 (Wed)
Time: 5.53pm
Place: The University of Nottingham, Semenyih

2day we go visit our diploma classmates..... 
FYI.. a lot of INTI students cabut to Nottingham for their degrees....

the campus is 3000 times more 'chunted' den INTI....

there is a super big lake in front of the campus.... there is a bridge on the lake.... n a lot of white ducks swimming on the lake some more!!!

too bad can't take photos cuz it's raining heavily....

INTI got no white ducks.... but got stray cats....
FYI... if anyone catches a cat n hand it to the AO (accomodation office)... 
u will be rewareded RM5 for each cat!!!! 
(it's true..... serious...)

den Yi Hui n Wei Fong bring us to the engineering lab....

here.... each faculty has its own building.... only hav 2 levels but there is a lift.....

INTI got all the faculties  in one building of 5 levels.... n only 1 lift..... which is not functioning all the time....

the story of TY being trapped in INTI's lift:

see the hallway..... 

a very classy safety reminder....

i dun even remember INTI got any safety reminders outside the labs..... 
if got oso photocopy in A4 size only....

Nottingham No.1 !  INTI No.2 !

Cap Tiga Kaki....

though Nottingham is much much better than INTI .....but of cos the tuition fee is oso much much more den INTI.....

INTI is still my No.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I love INTI.... INTI loves my money~~~~~~~~~~~~

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