Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gardenia bread prices increase !

Date: 16/4/0 (Wed)

after dinner ..... i go buy the Gardenia bread....

waa... the price increases by 30 sens (yesterday it was still RM2.70)...

however the price of the plain bread(white bread) is not increased... still RM2.10 (actually it alredi increased from RM1.90 to RM2.10 last november)

Quoted from:
(04/11/2008 )"Bread prices will go up by 5-10% later this month, commercial and community bakers yesterday said, due to a continuing increase in world flour prices and a global wheat shortage."

so wat's next to be increased ?


TTJoyce said...

Haiyo....RM3 for a loaf of bread??? really walau a.....
in UK, wholemeal bread only £0.59 per loaf.....

Tze Yin said...

haiyoo.... dis is called Malaysia Boleh mah..... u duno meh......
