Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy 1st Anniversary !!!

April the 30th !!!

leetzeyin.blogspot.com 1st anniversary !!!

first of all.... i would like to thank my No.1 readers.... dad, mum n sis !

secondly.... the No.1 comment leaver....... my sis, TTJoyce aka SSJ !

10x to my Nikon S200...
the blog wont be happening without the pics n videos taken !

n oso my SE w850i ....for taking up the camera role when my Nikon S200 is not around.......

n 10x to my Toshiba A100 !!

10x to my house broadband Streamyx....

though sometimes it s**ks:

but improve a lot alredi la.....

n 10x my campus braodband.... which is called Extrreeeemmmmee Broadband....
the broadband is so extreme until it takes the whole morning jz to upload a 30 secs video or a photo taken from a VGA mode phone camera......

Read more bout EBB:

last but not least ...... 10x to all the viewers !!! n all my faithful readers !!!
n all the visitors from the 71 countries around the world....my visitor counter will never come to 13K without all of u !!!!!

Still remember this posts?

so wat's inside the parcel ???!!

it's time for revelation.....

Ta Daaaaa~~~~~~~~
leetzeyin.blogspot.com 1st merchandise !!!!!

it's custom-made online..... kekekekekkekeekke......

A big THANK YOU from TY the Great to all of YOU !!!


Joshua Entol said...

hey, congratulation on ur 1st anniversary ya!! keep it up!!

Tze Yin said...

10x a lot !!!

CK Lam said...

Happy anniversary...you did a very good job for yr blog.


Tze Yin said...

10x for the complement!!!

still improving la... kekekekekkkee...

